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Mini computers are becoming increasingly popular as technology continues to advance. These tiny machines offer a great deal of computing power and convenience in an incredibly small package, making them ideal for students, business professionals, and anyone looking to save space while still having access to powerful computing capabilities. Mini computers provide the same features as traditional desktop PCs but in a much smaller form factor that allows users more portability and flexibility when it comes to their work or entertainment needs.

The most common type of mini computer is called the netbook which offers basic functionality such as web browsing, emailing, word processing and other similar tasks with minimal hardware requirements. Netbooks are typically powered by Intel Atom processors which allow them run quickly while using very little energy compared to larger laptops or desktops; this makes them perfect for those who want something lightweight yet powerful enough for everyday use without breaking the bank on expensive components. Additionally many netbooks come equipped with wireless internet connectivity so you can stay connected even when away from home or office networks – perfect if you need quick access without needing bulky cables everywhere!

Finally another benefit of mini computers is their affordability; they often cost less than regular sized laptops due largely due being built around cheaper components like flash memory instead of hard drives (which require additional moving parts). This also means they tend be faster at boot up times since there’s no waiting around for all those spinning disks inside your laptop/desktop PC before getting started on whatever task awaits you! Plus many models come pre-installed with Windows 10 Home Edition so all that’s left do after opening box plugging it into power source then turning on – giving instant access world wide web wherever go!