Lighting Outdoor Lights Inground Lights

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When it comes to outdoor lighting, recessed lights are often an overlooked option. While they may not be as flashy or noticeable as other types of lighting, they can provide a subtle yet effective way to illuminate your home’s exterior. 

Recessed lights offer many advantages over traditional outdoor fixtures. They blend in seamlessly with the architecture of your house and won’t detract from its overall aesthetic appeal. Plus, since they’re tucked away in the ceiling or wall recesses, you don’t have to worry about them becoming an eyesore due to wear and tear from exposure to weather elements like rain and snow. 

In addition, recessed lights are highly energy-efficient compared with other forms of outdoor lighting because their bulbs use less electricity than standard lightbulbs do—making them cost-effective too! Moreover, these fixtures come in a variety of sizes so that you can find one that fits perfectly into any space without having any extra gap around it for air circulation purposes (which is important for preventing overheating). And lastly but most importantly: when installed correctly by professionals such as electricians or contractors who specialize in this type of work—recessed lights will ensure optimal safety standards while still providing adequate illumination outside your home at night time!  

 Recessed outdoor lighting is definitely worth considering if you want something more discreet yet still efficient enough for all kinds of tasks outdoors – whether it be entertaining guests on summer nights or just making sure there’s enough visibility during late hours after dark has fallen upon us all!

Recessed outdoor lights best ideas

When it comes to outdoor lighting, recessed lights are a great choice. Not only do they provide plenty of light for your outdoor space, but they also look modern and stylish. Plus, with the right placement and design choices, you can create an inviting atmosphere that will make your backyard or patio even more enjoyable. 

If you're looking to add some extra illumination in your backyard or patio area without overpowering the space with bright overhead lighting fixtures then recessed lights may be just what you need! Recessed outdoor lights come in a variety of sizes and styles so there's sure to be one that fits perfectly into any existing décor scheme while providing enough light for whatever activity is taking place outdoors at night. 

 Here are some ideas on how best to use recessed outdoor lighting: 

 1) Path Lighting – If you have a path leading up from the driveway or sidewalk into your yard then installing several small recessed lights along its length can help illuminate it during dark hours making it easier (and safer!) for people entering/exiting after sunset.  

 2) Accent Lighting – Want something subtle yet effective? Place several low-voltage LED spotlights around trees, shrubs or other features like fountains as accent pieces which will give off just enough light when needed without being too overbearing overall .   

 3) Deck/Patio Lights – For those who spend time entertaining outside on their deck/patio area adding multiple medium-sized floodlights around these areas can really bring them alive once darkness falls by creating ambient moody vibes perfect for dinner parties etc..  

 4) Step Lights – Installing smaller sized step lights near steps going down from decks & patios not only adds safety but also creates lovely shadows against walls which helps set a romantic tone if desired!     

           With all this said investing in high quality energy efficient LED bulbs is highly recommended since these last longer than regular incandescent ones plus consume less power thereby reducing electricity bills significantly over time - win win!

How to install recessed ground lights

Installing recessed ground lights can be a great way to add extra light and ambiance to your outdoor space. Whether you’re using them for safety, aesthetics, or both, installing these lights is relatively easy and requires minimal tools. Here are the steps needed in order to install recessed ground lights: 

1. Decide on the placement of your lights – Measure out where you want each light placed before beginning installation as this will help ensure that all the fixtures line up correctly when finished. 

2. Dig a hole – Depending on what type of surface you are working with (concrete vs grass) determine how deep each hole should go so that it is flush with the rest of your landscape once installed; most require about 8-10 inches below grade level for optimal lighting effect and stability over time .  

3. Place fixture into holes - Once all holes have been dug place each individual fixture into its designated spot making sure they are securely fastened in place by tamping down any loose dirt around them as necessary   

4a). If connecting multiple fixtures together run conduit from one fixture to another - This step only applies if connecting more than one light together which involves running electrical wiring through underground PVC conduit between fixtures ensuring proper insulation protection against moisture damage throughout its lifetime  

 4b). Connect wires according to manufacturer instructions– After properly laying out conduits connect power source wires per manufacturer specifications paying close attention not only color coding but also polarity (positive/negative) when doing so    

 5). Fill remaining area around lamps with soil & cover - Finally fill remaining area back up with soil being careful not disturb any wiring already connected then cover top layer lightly again taking care not compress too much thereby damaging underlying connections made previously